The following activities have been designed by the CEED research project (Computational Empowerment for Emerging Technologies in Education) in collaboration with teachers from Aarhus Municipality. The activities have the goal to empower students by not only understanding the technical aspects of emerging technologies but also how these technologies impact society.
Pranking with IoT: Hack or be hacked? is a course for students to gain knowledge of and have hands-on experience with Internet of Things and hacking.
Through an IoT kit the students become capable of setting up a system to turn a device on and off (a lamp, a ventilator, a speaker or other devices) with a remote. When the IoT kits are set up and tested the students are able to hack each other's IoT systems and/or use the devices to hack the teachers’ room.
The course focuses on discussions and reflections about the societal and ethical impact of IoT and the consequences of hacking.