The following activities have been designed by the CEED research project (Computational Empowerment for Emerging Technologies in Education) in collaboration with teachers from Aarhus Municipality. The activities have the goal to empower students by not only understanding the technical aspects of emerging technologies but also how these technologies impact society.
“Mission to the future: an exploration of facial recognition technology” is a course about facial recognition technology (FRT) built around a storyline in which students travel into the future as undercover agents. The course consists of three sessions, each with its own distinct learning focus on FRT.
In Session 1, each student is assigned a new identity in which they assume positions and argue for and against FRT.
In Session 2, students research and test an FRT system and gain hands-on experience of the way FRT works, as well as its strengths and limitations.
In Session 3, students dive deeper into FRT and by examining decisions based on FRT, they explore how FRT systems can affect people and society.