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During March and April there is a number of lectures and activities that relate to CCTD. The list below will be update when further details are…
The Danish government has announced plans to make Computational Thinking and Design a mandatory part of the danish primary school as a part of the new…
Professor Ole Sejer Iversen has been appointed as the new head of the Center for Computational Thinking and Design at Aarhus University from the 1st…
Center for Computational Thinking and Design has been awarded a grant of 4 million dkk from IT-Vest (www.it-vest.dk). The grant enables…
Center for Computational and Design welcomed Nick Nielsen as a research assistant in the beginning of 2017. Nick is a familiar face at the Department…
The Danish Growth Council has recently mentioned Computational Thinking in the report on qualified labor. In the report Computational Thinking is…
Director and associate professor Michael E. Caspersen, Center for Computational Thinking, participated in Folkemødet 2016 (The Peoples Political…
Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University has established a new Center for Computational Thinking with a focus on developing informatics as…
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