Aarhus University Seal

Fellowship in Design and Emerging Technology

Fellowship in Design and Emerging Technology for experienced educators in Danish primary and secondary schools and makerlabs

The Research-based professional development  programme was designed to engage with experienced K-9 teachers to provide them with the knowledge, experience and resources needed to further develop digital design literacy in their local school environment and to create networks for continuous exchange between researchers, educators of teachers and in-service teachers.

The programme established feedback loops and networks between researchers and practitioners, scaling through local peer-to-peer training, a modular and agile setup and the collaboration between educators of teachers and in-service teachers.

The programme was divided into two:

1. Design and Construct

2. Computational Empowerment

The length of each stay was approximately 25 hours including your travel time during 4 weeks and you should expect to spend 37 hours on preparation, teaching, feedback meeting, and documentation.


Project Contribution

The fellowship program was positioned within the broader discourse of leveraging teacher training in computing education and digital design literacy.


Project Domain of Research

Experienced educators and teacher trainers in Danish primary and secondary schools and makerlabs


Publication category

Proceedings of 5th FabLearn Europe / MakeEd Conference 2021


Funding Partner

The programme was funded by VILLUM FONDEN

Contact project lead

Katrine Holm Kanstrup

Chief/Special Consultant Department of Computer Science

Project Participants