New results! - Teaching Technology Design for Collaborative Interaction
The TEDCO project that Eva Eriksson is involved in has published an open educational resource (OER) targeting teachers in design and engineering programs in higher education

The TEDCO project that Eva Eriksson is involved in has published an open educational resource (OER) targeting teachers in design and engineering programs in higher education who aim to develop student’s knowledge and skills for how to design technology mediating collaborative interaction. It offers a collection of 11 teaching activities consisting of lectures and exercises, and accompanied by learning objectives. The OER is based on the pedagogical design pattern method by Laurillard combined with the SOLO taxonomy. The TEDCO project is a 2-year International project funded by the European Union program Erasmus+, and with partners from Gothenburg University in Sweden, Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, Ozyegin University in Turkey, and Aarhus University in Denmark. For more information about the work behind the OER please see
To get a quick introduction to TEDCO it can be useful to watch the video below:
Teaching Design of Technologies for Mediating Collaborative Interaction - YouTube