Aarhus University Seal

LIVESTREAM: Empowerment in a Digitized Society (in Danish)

On Tuesday Octobot 22nd, at 17.00, Prof. Ole Sejer Iversen will attend a livestream, debating empowerment with tv-host Clement Kjersgaard

Join and watch LIVE, when the expert panel of Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (Dansk Magisterforening) and Danish IT (Dansk IT) present their recommendations and discuss the opportunities of the digitalization with regards to freedom of spirit, equity and democracy. 

New technologies, social media and platform are a central part of our work and private lives, and put core values such as freedom of spirit, equity and democracy under pressure. Therefore, the Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (Dansk Magisterforening) and Danish IT (Dansk IT) has put down a panel of experts, whom are now ready with their recommendations of which competencies are needed for active participation in a digitized society, and what role our educational system plays.

At the launch of these recommendations, prof. Ole Sejer Iversen, member of the panel of experts, and one the leading researchers in empowerment, democracy and digitalization will present the recommendations of the panel on the fundamental changes to society, the individual and our human relations caused by the digitalization.

Following this, Clement Kjersgaard and prof. Ole Sejer IVersen will debate the challenges on the area.

The livestream can be found here, and starts at 17.00 on October 22nd.