Aarhus University Seal

Informatics – a fundamental discipline in the 21st century and a driver for disciplinary renewal

Online talk given by Line Have Musaues & Michael E. Caspersen invited by Prof. Carsten Schulte for ProDaBi

Informatics may be considered a fourth type of language on par with spoken language, written language and mathematics.  Using informatics for discovery, expression and problem solving is changing the practice of all disciplines.

Since 2017, we have experimented with computational modelling in mathematics, natural science, and social science in Danish high schools, in-service programs have been offered, and quite a few papers with associated research have been published.

We give an overview of some current developments of computational modelling and AI, and we provide examples of how the integration of informatics into natural science education may be a driver for disciplinary renewal and increased learning.

The talk was given for Colloquium - ProDaBi:

Interdisciplinary and international online talks on data science in schools. Talks by experts in computer science (education) and statistics (education)

General information on the colloquium:

Data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data literacy and statistical literacy concerning secondary education are currently discussed in the communities of scientists and educators in statistics, mathematics, computer science, social and natural sciences, and media education. Our colloquium intends to bring together these perspectives and communities to create an interdisciplinary community for scientific exchange.  


Read more about the talk and find recordings and slides here.