Debate: Technology Alliance: Young People Are Not Digital Natives. They Are Falling Behind in Understanding Technology
Technological development can exacerbate inequality in the education system. Therefore, it is important that primary schools are equipped to teach students about Technology Comprehension, writes the steering committee for the National Alliance for Digital Technology Comprehension.
The brand new edition of the international study ICILS shows that Danish children's Technology Comprehension is sharply declining.
This means that our children are struggling to navigate the programs and apps they interact with, and many cannot assess the credibility of a website.
This is problematic for most, but it is particularly serious for a group of children who already face challenges. The technological development can thus exacerbate inequality in the education system.
Understanding and critically engaging with technology is linked to social status. The children who already face difficulties in our education system are the ones who struggle the most to understand and critically approach digital technology.
Read the rest of this article by Jakob Harder, Ole Sejer Iversen et al. at