Aarhus Universitets segl

Open call for papers: FabLearn Europe & MakeEd 2020

Due to the unprecedented global pandemic, the steering committee of FabLearn Europe & MakeEd 2020 has decided not to hold a conference in London this year. To compensate for this missed opportunity, we invite submissions for a special issue on Computing, Design and Making in Education in the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Submissions must present original work in the realm of computing, design, and making or digital fabrication in educational settings. Submissions must cite relevant published work, indicate novel approaches, and stress the importance of the submission to these hands-on learning communities. Topics related to COMPUTING, DESIGN and MAKING in EDUCATION include but are not limited to: 

  • Case studies, best practices and evaluations 
  • Innovative approaches, methods and ideas 
  • Emerging technologies and tools 
  • Theoretical perspectives and concerns

Read more about the special issue (submission information and deadlines) here.