Ole Sejer Iversen from CCTD keynotes on Computational Empowerment (Education Debate 2019) and debate on Danish radio
The yearly people's meeting on education in Nørre Nissum, Denmark, September 5-6 2019.

The Education Debate is a yearly event inviting debaters, opinion makers, policy makers and professionals within the field of education to discuss current educational challenges together. The goal is to put education on the political agenda, and aims at professionals working from kindergarten to higher education.
On the first day of the two day debate, Professor Ole Sejer Iversen was invited to do a keynote with the title “Computational Empowerment: Education in an algorithm-centred world”, focusing on how education can combine creative construction with digital technologies and digital empowerment. The talk was based on research and concrete examples from the work of CCTD, and tries to uncover the concept of Computational Empowerment as a unified vision for at critical and curious approach to digital technology within education.
Watch the keynote here.
Read more about the Education Debate here and here.
Danish Radio Debate
P1 Debat sends directly from Nørre Nissum: "The meeting on education and education in a tech age".
P1 Debateers: Rasmus Kolbe, influencer under the alias Salmon Rider; Thea Enevoldsen, Chair of Danish School Students; Lene Tanggaard, Professor of Educational Psychology at Aalborg University; Ole Sejer Iversen, Professor of Interaction Design at Center for Computational Thinking & Design, Aarhus University; Stine Liv Johansen, Chair of the Media Council and Ph.D. in children's media at Aarhus University; Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl, educational mayor for the Danish People's Party and Annette Lind, member of parliament for the Social Democracy and former primary school teacher. Host: Rasmus Mark Pedersen.
Listen to the debate here.