Aarhus Universitets segl

Computational Thinking and Design to become a mandatory part of curriculum in Danish primary school

The Danish Minister of Education, Merete Riisager (foto, Steen Brogaard)

The Danish government has announced plans to make Computational Thinking and Design a mandatory part of the danish primary school as a part of the new subject “Technology Comprehension”. The new subject is already being implemented as an experimental subject, and this new bigger effort will start alongside the existing work being led by CCTD. Further details can be read in this article by Computerworld.

In an interview with Jyllands-Posten, the Danish Minister of Education Merete Riisager says that this new subject “does not mean that all children should become IT Developers in the future, but that all children need to dip their toes and get a basic understanding of technology as the building block in our society”. The full article by Jyllands-Posten can be found here